Monthly Ledger Reports
For accountability, auditability, & transparency.
Monthly reports posted to
demonstrate details of the
flow of money into and out of the LLC.
Monthly Ledger Archives
April 2022
Summary: All donations in the month of April in 2022 were founder investments. Donations in the form of gifts totaled $226.07.
In April, a tax software subscription was canceled, that month having been paid for. Additionally, the ledger saw the addition of streaming services.
PayPal Reports will now be in .csv format with redactions. The "Receipts" section will be from here on truncated until such a time as when they are needed to demonstrate out-of-the-ordinary payments. Donations will always be shown, except for founder donations, which are seen on the PayPal .csv. "Output/Expenses" receipts will continue be reported on the legder and PayPal .csvs, unless a non-routine payment (e.g. a GoFundMe donation).
There were no donations to Confic Magazine LLC in the month of April for 2022:

PayPal Report
Bitcoin Network Transaction Receipts
Wallet address: