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Confic Wiki Con

Lack of Lepers

Apr 2, 2023

A non-fiction, encyclopedic writing contest for the SCF Discord's 2nd birthday.

Hello everyone, it is time for another contest; a writing one.

It's coming so close on the heels of our last contest because this Discord server turns 2 years old on May 28th! 🎂 Thanks to Dr. Mirray for kicking us into a proper celebration, and to Cooldude971 for coming up with the idea of this contest.

We'll celebrate by having a Confic Wiki contest. Write an encyclopedic article about the confic/limfic topic that interests you. The best entry will be named the winner on May 28th, the winning entry will be completed and ported to the Confic Wiki as an official article, and the winner will receive a $100 prize.
Entries start now.

How to participate:
1) Claim your preferred topic in organizing-and-planning; multiple people can choose the same topic or collaborate on a single one (prize money split equal ways). If two choose the same topic, the best will win.
2) Make a Wikipedia-like article by using the UserWiki: (create an account so you can create a page there if you haven't already, "Log in" top right).

Things to keep in mind:
1) This is a non-fiction Wiki dealing with the history of the projects, works, and people involved, so do not write about lore or in-universe material. For example, if you wanted to write an article about the Kaktusverse, it’d be about the historical facts, such as the individual articles, their dates of publication, etc, and not about the lore of its characters.
2) Use appropriate clinical tone and citations. As per the standards of the confic wiki, everything or nearly everything must be cited and backed up with a source.
3) There should be zero editorializing, including opinions, rhetoric, or personal thoughts. The point and challenge of the Confic Wiki is to be as unbiased and impassioned as possible in the delivery of raw data and facts about given subjects.
4) This contest will be decided by judges: myself, @Jason Makes Manhattens, and @Cooldude971. The winner of the contest will be decided by the three people who have done the most work for the Confic Wiki and who know what a good article should be. Judges can enter the contest.
5) Relevant images & quotes are a great way to break up the monotony of an encyclopedic entry.
6) The more creative you can be in your article's components — using graphs, statistics, etc — the better.
7) In the Confic Wiki syntax, citations are in double parentheses "((url))" and should come after a statement. You do not have to add an archived version of the citation, but we prefer and encourage it; this would look like "((url, archive))" with the "archive" being a link to either a Wayback Machine or "" snapshot of your source.
8) Your entry does not have to be huge in scope, or contain a ton of citations. There is a little over two months to work with, but the best you can and as far as you can get on the article in that time is good enough for a submission. Having said that, the more citations, the better.
9) You are responsible for obtaining a viable method of payment, whether it be a PayPal account, or something like a Bitcoin wallet.

Example articles:
1) First Slot/001 -
2) "Does the Black Moon Howl?" -
3) Lofwyr (author) -
4) Pride Controversy of June 2018 - (HUUUUGE example)
5) We Are Not Paying Ourselves Enough to be Bureaucrats -
6) WikiDot Blackout of 2022 -
7) SCP-529 ("Josie the Half Cat") -

More articles for ideas/templates here:

This is a very different kind of writing contest, and maybe the first/only non-fiction writing contest in the space (?). It is a challenging way to write and probably out of most people's comfort zone. We hope people will be interested enough in their chosen topic to do some good research and contribute great subs/articles to the wiki in the process.

A topic list to help people get started:
1) The Backrooms
2) Liminal Archives
3) Fishmonger
4) GoIs
5) RPC on 4chan
6) Kaiser & Coupon RPC exit
7) Confic/limfic author
8) O5 Command (the staff Wikidot site itself, not the lore)
9) Specific articles
10) Community events/drama
Also, be aware that all work on the Confic Wiki is automatically CC BY-SA 4.0. You will be attributed accordingly.

You can contribute as many article entries as you’d like.

Viva la confic!

© 2023 Confic Magazine

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